In September of 2016, The Museum of Public Relations joined with JJ&W to do a retrospective of Pat’s work in NYC. It was a huge undertaking because Pat was prolific in his work, juggling 4-5 full time jobs: Senior Counsel with JJ&W, Editor of pr reporter, public speaking to promote and educate about the profession, and his many volunteer activities including PRSA. Below are two videos from the presentation that night and photos of just a smattering of artifacts.
Discussion of Pat Jackson’s contribution to the PR industry : Video 1Video2
Display at Museum CelebrationDisplay at Museum CelebrationA notebook of his constant note taking and the heaviest briefcase going.The license plate was for a crowning firm achievement, Current Use. In the 1970, after being almost clear cut, NH was again mostly forested due to economic downturns. Development was going strong because everything was taxed at its “highest” use. Pat wrote the law and he and colleagues worked over two years to get it passed. It has kept NH, NH!Developed in concert with Jim Grunig of U. Maryland, it is the next step up from Diffusion and brings together behavioral science and communication theories into one model. Presenters Rich Bagin, NSPRA, Gail Winslow, Joe Brennan, Tony D’Angelo, PRSAStacey Smith, Senior Counsel & Partner at JJ&WWhere Pat first worked with Ed Bernays. Pat and team worked on the New England PavilionSuncatcher created for JJ&W’s 35 anniversary. Pat & JJ&W gave a $35,000 donation to the PRSA Foundation that year to establish the Behavioral Science Prize. One of a file full of letters from Ed BernaysThe case book done with Allen Center. The first two chapters are probably the best synopsis of the role of pr ever written.JJ&W’s Portfolio (old school — it was about an inch thick!) and some of the annual Thanksgiving cards sent every year to clients, friends, family. JJ&W is known for ushering in the holidays for most people with its card. We chose Thanksgiving because it is non-denominational. Old school lecturing by Pat. No PowerPoints, just a flip chart and Pat. He would sail into where ever he was speaking at the last minute, clear his throat and launch in. Miscellaneous notes but no written speech. He knew what he was going to talk about but not what he was going to say. When Pat was on the program, rooms were packed long before he showed!Rooted firmly in Organization Development, the firm practiced what it preached. At one yearly retreat we made masks. This was Pat’s. When he described it he said it represented the ideas he had always in his head and how they entered the world. He also noted that his eyes were an important part of his communication skills. (Notice he did not give himself any hair!) Another tradition of the firm was care for its employees. Pat was no exception. Robin Schell was in charge of making his yearly birthday cards. Masterpieces! Here is a sampling.